Best Supplements To Take In Your 30s
As we age, our bodies require different nutrients. Here's some you can start incorporating into your lifestyle through supplementation or diet changes that will benefit you if you're in your 30s
Now that you’re out of your 20s, there are different vitamins and supplements that you should be thinking about incorporating into your everyday diet. As we age, our bodies require different nutrients in order to combat some of the symptoms of aging that can affect the way we look, feel, or the health of our internal organs and tissue.
If you’re entering your 30s and aren’t quite sure where to start, the world of supplements and vitamins can be confusing. Here are some great nutrients you can start incorporating into your lifestyle through supplementation or diet changes that will benefit you as you age.
Vitamins C and E
Some of the top nutrients to start taking as you start aging are vitamins C and E. These vitamins are especially powerful in fighting against the physical signs of aging, particularly in your skin tone, texture, and firmness. The combination of these nutrients can increase your skin’s elasticity and glow from the inside out, so you look youthful for longer. Vitamin C also supports your immune system and can strengthen your body’s response against disease and infection. Taking care not to get sick, even from commonplace things like the cold, becomes more and more important as you age, as your immune system can become weaker over time.
Examples of foods high in these vitamins include:
- Vitamin E: Sunflower seeds, avocado, almonds, spinach and broccoli.
- Vitamin C: Kiwifruit, oranges (and citrus fruit), broccoli, strawberries, yellow capsicum, blackcurrants and kale.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Fatty acids from Omega 3’s are some of the most essential and healthy fatty acids you can give your body. These acids are often found in salmon and other fish, and are integral in essential processes like mood control and fighting inflammation. Omega 3 fatty acids have also been shown to help mitigate and fight against depression, anxiety, and even limit the symptoms of ADHD. As you age, your body could use all the help it can get to receive proper nutrients. Especially when it comes to things like your mood and your mental wellbeing, the importance of these nutrients cannot be understated.
Probiotics may not technically be nutrients, but they are healthy bacteria that can be introduced to your body through supplementation. As we age, if we do not keep a proper healthy diet rich in healthy fats and low in sodium and processed foods, our gut can become “disrupted” or can even become a “leaky gut.” A leaky gut refers to a stomach with an unhealthy or permeable lining, rather than a firm and protective lining. This can allow for gut infection and inflammation. Probiotics help to re-introduce healthy bacteria to your gut and mend any “leaks” that may be lurking.
Probiotics can be found in a number of different forms, such as drinks, pills, and powders, making them easy to integrate to any lifestyle. Getting a healthy dose of probiotics can reduce the amount of stomach acid production you experience, reduce the occurrence of diarrhea, and can fight against urinary tract infections, or UTI’s. Starting a healthy probiotic routine now in your 30s can positively affect your health for years to come.
From age 25, our collagen production decreases approximately 1% per year, increasing in our 40s and 50s. So it seems only right that our 30s is when adding a collagen supplement to our diet will certainly help as we age. There's different types of collagen but marine collagen is the most bio-available form of collagen in the body which means widespread benefits and a levelling up in the health of your skin, hair, nails, joints, gut and digestive system. Collagen plays a role in strengthening skin, plus it may also benefit elasticity and hydration. Taking collagen may help to reduce fine wrinkles and dryness, therefore reducing visible signs of aging, which is always a bonus!