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The How and Why of Personalised Nutrition

It is a well-known fact that not everyone is the same. You are different in many ways to your partner, sister, friends, brother, mother, colleagues, and you know it and accept it. After all, what makes you unique is your points of difference.

Despite the knowledge that we are different in many ways to those around us, many people seem to buy into the ‘one-size fits all’ nutritional information. This way of approaching nutrition can be restrictive and may disregard nutrients that your body may need.

When it comes to nutrition, why do you view this any differently? When it comes to eliminating certain food groups or nutrients from your diet, professional consultation is advised as you may not be doing yourself any favours without the right exploration into your personal health concerns.


The problem with fad nutrition

Generalised ‘fad’ solutions to nutrition, including diets such as keto, paleo, lemon detox, Dukan, and Atkins (just to name a few) assume that:

  • We are all subjected to the same environment
  • We all have the same health priorities, issues and concerns
  • All of our body systems and organs work in the same way. 

The truth gets lost in these methods and you may not necessarily be best for your body, possibly even moving you further and further away from what is best for you.

These diets don’t take into account that we all have different life stressors and we react to them in a different way, and therefore the ability of your body to stay balanced throughout certain periods will be different to someone else.


There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to nutrition 

It’s in the name - it’s personal. Personalised nutrition is the key to long-term success. Personalised nutrition takes into account that everyone lives in different environments end experiences different stressors and disturbances to their mental, emotional and spiritual health. It also acknowledges that these elements are all connected with your physical health and wellbeing. 

Working to understand how your body works and why you need specific nutrients to assist you on your health journey is key to your success. It is about your personal journey, what you want to achieve, a timeline, and how you want to get there.


If you’re struggling to get a balance on the right nutrients for you on your health journey or if you need a nutrient top up, then visit Health 2000 at site 96 at the LiveFit Festival for your personal recommendation and to learn more!

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