Skipping & Thruster Workout
3 Rounds
100 Double Unders
100m Run
50 Thrusters (20/15kg)
With 20 Double Unders every 10 Thrusters completed
- Weight for Men is 20kg. Women is 15kg.
- You can use a barbell or dumbells.
- Weights are a guide, you can go heavier or lighter.
- Choose a weight that is challenging, not too hard or easy.
Replace Double Unders with Single Skips if needed.
Just double the number e.g. do 200 single skips instead of 200 DUs and 40 single skips instead of 20 DUs.
How to do a Thruster
Start from a squat position and thrust up from the legs to an overhead position, arms extended. Then lower to a squat position again.